How to Send HD Image or Video on WhatsApp 2023

Send HD Image or Video on WhatsApp

There are many uses don’t know about How to Send HD Image or Video on WhatsApp.

WhatsApp is the very famous App for exchange Message, Video, Images, Document File , Contact File, Live Location, Audio File also you pay money.

However, the image or video quality compressed while sent photo and video, so WhatsApp update provide How to Send HD Image or Video on WhatsApp.

In this article, I will Explain you How to Send HD Image or Video on WhatsApp in Android and Iphone Devices.

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Discuss about Send HD Image or Video on WhatsApp

Why required Send HD Image or Video on WhatsApp

Sending HD images or videos on WhatsApp can be important in certain situations for various reasons:

  • HD images and videos provide higher resolution and better clarity, allowing recipients to see finer details in photos or videos.
  • HD content generally offers a better viewing experience.
  • In professional settings, like business presentations or marketing campaigns, sending HD images and videos can project a more polished and credible image.
  • Artists, photographers, and content creators often want to showcase their work in high resolution to preserve the quality and artistic details of their creations.
  • Higher resolution allows for these actions without significant loss of quality.

It’s important to note that sending HD content can consume more data and may take longer to upload and download.

How to Send HD Image or Photo on WhatsApp

Following steps define send HD Photo or Video on WhatsApp in Android Device and Iphone.

  • Tap on “Open” to open WhatsApp.
  • Tap on select chat you want to send Image or Video.
  • Tap on “Attach icon” Button.
  • Tab on “Gellery” and select Image or video you want to sent.
  • Tab on “HD” button, locate top of the screen.
  • Tab on “Sent icon” button.

While this steps to sending an HD image or video will still result in better visual clarity compared to lower-resolution content.


Send HD Image or Video on WhatsApp in Iphone?

Yes, Above steps also Send HD Image or Video on WhatsApp in Iphone.


Send HD Images and Videos on WhatsApp can enhance your communication, whether for personal or professional purposes. By following these steps you can ensure your content looks its best when shared with friends, family, or colleagues.


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